
Personal Training in DURHAM NC

About Emily

I spend a lot of time in different gyms, and I see so many well-intentioned people that have never learned how to train effectively. They lift weights in dangerous or ineffective ways or they hop from cardio machine to cardio machine day after day and never really see the results they want to see. Even worse, plenty of people view exercise as a dreaded chore, and some people avoid that chore at all costs at the expense of their health and happiness.

I want to change that for you. Movement is something we are born to do and find joy in. My role as a fitness coach isn’t about yelling in your face to go faster, it’s about helping you find joy in movement and the process of getting stronger and fitter.


My fitness journey began not too long after the picture on the left was taken. I was about to go through a shitty end to a six-year relationship, my self-worth was much too wrapped up in that person, and I obviously I wasn’t taking care of my body.  

A few months later I walked into a strength and conditioning gym where I was living in New Mexico and fell in love with the physical and mental strength I found in becoming an athlete. In the midst of a pretty low time in my life, the barbell built up my muscles and confidence one day at a time, one rep at a time. Since that picture was taken I have competed in a 24-hour obstacle race, won a CrossFit event in front of lots of people, and run a six-minute mile. There are an infinite number of goals I’m still working on, and sometimes frustrated by, but I’ve learned to love the process of chasing goals, not just the results, and that gets me to the gym every day.

Not only did my fitness journey transform my body, it transformed pretty much every aspect of my life: professional aspirations, my social life, my mindset. But more than anything, it showed me that I have the capacity to be good at anything I’m willing to work at. And I believe that is true for every single one of my clients. So if you are someone who has never felt good at fitness or good at eating well, I can help you start the same journey I’ve been on. 


What I love most about fitness is that it is one of the most powerful ways to develop grit. Grit is what makes us stick to what we set out to do even when it gets hard, or boring, or we can’t see the progress we want to see. It’s in that consistency that we get the things we want in life.