Durham, NC, 27705

The Fitness Training Motivation You Need to Hear Today

The Fitness Training Motivation You Need to Hear Today

Personal training in Durham

If you’re struggling with your fitness training motivation, there’s seriously only one thing you have to do today.

I’m writing this post for me today as much as anyone else. I’ve got several hours of free time on my hands before I see my next client, and the goals that I’m pursuing seem overwhelming and far away right now. It feels way easier to jump on some busywork (or check Facebook again) than to actually dig in and do something that will move my business forward. Part of the problem with lofty goals (i.e. pretty much anything worth pursuing), is that it is hard to work at something consistently when you can’t see your progress every day. And let’s be real, sometimes you’re not even sure IF you will see results. I mean, will anyone besides my Mom even read this post??

Anyone who is honest will admit that there’s at least one area in life where the place they want to be feels so far from where they are that the work ahead is so overwhelming that it is hard to start. You get mad at the people who are there. You try to pretend you don’t actually want to be there. Sometimes you venture out on the trail that leads there only to find that a fallen tree is blocking the way. So what do you do? You stop trying because you’ve lost hope that you can get there. Makes sense to me…I’ve done it. Every person I know, whether it’s career, relationships, weight, or something else, has felt defeated about something at some point. Some of them rise up, and some of them are just as stuck as ever. What makes the difference?

The Solution: One thing, Every Day

If you still feel stuck a long ways from the fitness level you want to be at, the very first thing is to change your focus. Stop thinking about how far you are from what you want and develop a laser focus on what you can do TODAY to get you closer to the body you want. Can you eat a healthy lunch? Can you go for a walk after work? Can you schedule a consultation with a personal trainer? A lot of the time we approach goals with the mindset that we have to do ten things towards our goal today, and not one. And you know the story: you don’t have the capacity to do ten things, so you do ZERO things and a year later nothing has changed. But if you could just do one thing towards your goal every day, just imagine what could happen in a year.

The very powerful thing that happens when you take small steps towards your goal every day is that a lot of time that one thing turns into two or three things down the road. Maybe you get yourself out the door to jog for ten minutes every day this week. You may just find that next Monday, you actually feel like jogging for 20 minutes because you’re into a podcast you’re listening to or it’s a nice day. Or maybe you make a gym date with a buddy today and next Monday when you leave work and feel like heading straight to the couch, she calls you up and makes a gym date with you.  

The moral of the story? Stop getting frustrated by how far you have to go or getting mad at bad choices in the past. Be laser-focused on how you will move yourself a step down the path today. Because guess what happens when you take a step every day down that path? You get there.

Alright, I got this blog post written. What are you gonna do?

If you want some more fitness training motivation, check out this interview with Katrin Davidsdottir. She won the title of fittest woman in the world for two years in a row, but what inspires me so much about her is her laser focus on getting 1% better every day.